Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bronislawa Wajs, Papusza, Romani poet - Inspiration for "Zoli"

Bronislawa Waj, born in 1908, was an unusual person in that she was literate and talented, and known in her communities for her singing and poems. She was "found" and her poetic and song works publicized by outsider poets and others, with her work then being, in her view, taken out of context. Her concern was founded - the publicizing of her work apparently was instrumental in leading to legislation banning the nomadic life, and the settlement of gypsies. And her shunning by that community.

Knowing how edits can change entries, a start with Wikipedia needs a caveat. Still, start here for an understanding of the person of Bronislawa Wajs, and the issues of her time, at

Her nickname was "Papusza."

Read her life and times at
  • Growing a New Skin: The Life and Poetry of Papusza," by Gigi Thibodeau at //
  • Papusza (Branislawa Wajs) at ://
Read her poem, "Tears of Blood," at (how to get you to it, unless you cut and paste on your own?) ://

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