Sunday, November 11, 2007

Haluski - Cabbage and Noodles

"Cook haluski with hot, sweet butter." Zoli at 47 and many places (p.37, ex) referring to haluski. Delicious: here is a composite of the many recipes online for Slovakian haluski - Take a head of cabbage and slice it into strips, not like cole slaw, but some two inches long and an inch wide. Chop two or three onions, two large or three medium, roughly. Use a stick and a half of real butter, and a package of noodles, medium size, or make your own.

Salt and pepper.

Some add an egg; some use well-rinsed sauerkraut instead of cabbage, some mince the cabbage, some add potatoes. This one makes little drop-dumplings, forcing a batter through holes of a colander or haluski maker, see://,1726,155187-240196,00. Here is bacon, eggs/ flour/ and potatoes that you make into a mush for the batter, for the little finger size dumplings, and the sauerkraut

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