Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Gyptians of "The Golden Compass", 2007 film - Concepts

Role in film, "The Golden Compass," for Daemons, Animal Guides. This topic may be new to people just beginning to look seriously at gypsy culture. A belief in animal guides of some kind appears in many cultures world-wide. The concept of animal familiars appears to have a role also in Roma belief, see post at Gypsies, Roma, Gyptians - Daemon information post.

However, given the distinctions and taboos about unclean and clean animals, see //, not just any animal would take that role. Need to learn more here. In the film, the animal guides or externalized souls help define the character, set it in clear perspective. If that is part of Romani religion, not clear yet.

In the film, the demon is kindly when the person is kindly, cruel when the person is cruel.

Here, at Gibraltar, is the brother of the daemon of the film character Mrs. Coulter. He is wondering sadly what went wrong with her anyway, that also pulled bis brother down.

Religion. Good site here, for many topics. Go to

Origin. Where did the Gypsies come from. The name "Gyptians" has been used for Gypsies, and suggests an understanding of origins believed in the past. The Gypsies are tcalled that in the film, "The Golden Comass. In the Middle Ages, Gypsies were believed to have come from Egypt, thus the name "Gypsy." See Deeper study, however, shows origins in India. For a comprehensive history, see // The amount of fact presented in the film depiction, however, is debatable as to the water-life.

Film Gyptians
are real Gypsies in important respects. In the 2007 movie, "The Golden Compass," there are Gyptians - a group assuming a role similar to that of Gypsies, traveling in clans, some settled, very much apart, in lifestyle and beliefs, from the mainstream that persecutes as heretics any who think freely. See "The Golden Compass" at any of the sites that come up with a search for it.

Water Culture? Not European.
The "Golden Compass film group of "Gyptians" (from the book series, including "Northern Lights,") live on waterways in England or Scotland, and that apparently makes them fictional. I find no authority for that way of life there, as water people, nomads of the canals, wayfarers, even with the full panoply of Hollywood lineage in the film. See // Use this site also to look up individuals, including John Faa, but check out what is fiction and what is fact - what authority over the Gyptians, Gypsies in Scotland in the 16th Century here, did Faa have. Wikipedia so far says not real, see //

Read the British reviews, and news of current political and employment issues regarding real Gypsies at //

John Faa - A real 18th Century traditional Gypsy hero in his way, and a character takes on some of his bio in the movie. Hear the ballad at See the post here about Johnny Faa at Gypsies, Roma - Johnny Faa.

The Samoyede or Samoyeds - In the movie, fighting folk of the far north. In real life, Asian nomads whose breed of dog is recognized by the American Kennel Club, see Read about the Samoyede or Samoyeds and their Dogs at // Here is their ancient migration path across Asia - at // More of the culture at

The taking of Gyptian babies - by the Goblers - those outsiders who took Gyptian children not only from the Gyptians who travel, but from the Gyptians who are "settled" as well, those who do not travel. So - the Gyptians here are divided just as other land Gypsies, into the travelers and the settled.

Stealing children is not a new theme for history or fairy tale, and some have the Gypsies making changelings, another topic another day. For contemporary: See this site for an account of the acceptability of the practice as long as it is for the good of the children, but who decides and on what grounds. To save the children?? // See the Romanian orphanage overflow, at this site, and do a search for "gypsy" and a Gypsy child being smuggled, how many more or is this it? at://

Do see the film - For a change, see Hollywood's Gypsies as heroes. A theme is promotion of independent analysis, conclusions, thinking? Dust plays a role. The special dust promotes free thinking. Interesting idea - A good dust-up. Dust is already part of our language. Made from dust. Dust to dust. Religious. Dust bunnies. The housekeeping daemon. Or, a way to the animal guide concept here - your dust bunny as your guide. Dust R Us. Stardust and Hoagie Carmichael. What is more mainstream than dust? Fairy dust. Do we want our children's thinking to be free of free? Are we so afraid that if they think and research, they may find out things.

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